Papillon Nuclear Data Library

Welcome to the documentation for PapillonNDL! This is an open source library, used to read continuous energy ACE files, for neutron cross sections and secondary distributions. It can find and evaluate cross sections, sample secondary angle and energy distributions, and provide access to much more data.

Written in C++20 with object orientation, the library provides a fast and easy way to get the data you need out of ACE files. A Python API is also generated using Pybind11, allowing you the same speedy access through Python, without having to learn a second API! This is a great option for when you want to make plots of cross sections, or angle/energy distributions.

Currently, only continuous energy neutron data is supported for now (without photon production). In the future, we hope to add continuous energy photon data, as well as thermal neutron scattering data.

The library can be downloaded from GitHub here. This library is still young and growing, so if you find a bug or problem please let us know using the issues feature on GitHub to report the problem. This is by far the most important way that you can get involved and contribute to the project!

Indices and tables